Welcome to Catalyst AI’s @CaiBot for Slack

Unleash the power of Artificial Intelligence in your Slack workspace with @CaiBot, our sophisticated chatbot integration designed to empower and streamline your communications. Here’s how @CaiBot can revolutionize your Slack experience:

Tailor-Made Knowledge Bases

@CaiBot brings in the power of customization with unique, channel-specific knowledge bases. This built-in In-context training for each channel’s bot leverages unique bodies of knowledge to enrich responses. Each time @CaiBot is launched, it loads the existing knowledge base of its channel, ensuring relevant and precise information.

Intelligent Interaction

@CaiBot is designed to understand and respond to direct mentions, and events in your workspace. It smartly logs messages, processes mention events, and generates sophisticated responses using the OpenAI API and channel-specific knowledge bases.

Context-Aware Responses

@CaiBot fetches the conversation history of a thread, using it to provide context to the OpenAI model when generating a response. This ensures that every interaction with @CaiBot feels natural, relevant, and engaging.

Flexible and Secure Configuration

@CaiBot makes administrative tasks a breeze. Through various /slash commands, @CaiBot manages the configuration seamlessly.

Let’s review the powerful commands that @CaiBot brings to your workspace:

  • /set_system_message: With this command, administrators or channel-specific moderators can set a unique system message for each channel. Our expert prompt engineers can assist you with crafting the perfect system messages for your channels.
  • /add_channel_moderator: This command allows administrators to add channel-specific moderators, helping to manage your workspace more effectively.
  • /remove_channel_moderator: Administrators can use this command to remove channel-specific moderators when needed.
  • /display_system_message: Administrators or channel-specific moderators can display the current system message for a channel at any time.
  • /upload-pdf: This unique command lets you select a PDF file from the current channel, which @CaiBot then processes and transforms into a knowledge base, enriching the bot’s responses further.

Catalyst AI’s @CaiBot for Slack is a powerful tool to elevate your team’s collaboration and productivity. With its intelligent design and unique features, @CaiBot takes your Slack interactions to the next level. Welcome to the future of workplace communication.